This is just a simple collection of mods that are often required by other mods. Many of them are better to be installed manually, hence it can be confusing to figure out what to update after major updates released or mods rely on new features of one of the requirements.
A lot of mods use this, it can do a lot of things, check the mod page.
Used by a bunch of gameplay altering mods to integrate custom options into the game's native UI.
A framework that allows to create custom stores on a webpage accessible on V's computer.
-> redscript
-> cybercmd
Needed to load item additions among other things.
-> RED4ext
Allows TweakDB mods among other things. This is needed for item additions.
-> RED4ext
Needed to load many of the recolors created for the game. It's best to always install this.
Needed to make use of NPC animation mods, custom NPCs/NPVs or appearances.
Used for saving and loading V presets.
Required for rig mods that shape V's body only.
Used by a lot of older NPC appearance mods. Allows NPC appearance to change.